
Never Miss an Appointment with Automated Reminder Systems

July 19, 2024
min read


Did you know that missed appointments cost the U.S. healthcare system billions every year? For many practices, no-shows interfere with schedules, waste resources, and lower the quality of patient care. Automated reminder systems are an invaluable tool to cut down no-shows and keep patients on track. 

The Impact of No-Shows in Healthcare

No-shows are more than just an inconvenience for healthcare practices — they have far-reaching effects that touch every aspect of a practice’s operations. From financial losses to compromised patient care, the repercussions are significant and can undermine the effectiveness of healthcare delivery. 

Here’s a closer look at how missed appointments impact the healthcare industry.

Financial Losses

Patient no-shows hit healthcare practices hard financially. Missed appointments directly cut into revenue, while rescheduling and follow-up costs pile up. These inefficiencies drive up operational expenses, straining budgets and impacting a practice’s bottom line.

Operational Challenges

No-shows can wreak havoc on operational efficiency. Staff and resources sit idle, disrupting schedules and creating chaos. The administrative load increases as staff scramble to reschedule appointments, taking time away from more critical tasks.

Resource Underutilization

Valuable resources, including expensive equipment and facilities, are left unused when patients miss appointments. The preparation time and materials go to waste, leading to poor utilization of the practice's assets and decreased productivity.

Patient Care Issues

The impact on patient care can be profound. No-shows delay necessary treatments and preventive care, particularly for those with chronic conditions. Treatment delays can lead to disease progression and complications, significantly affecting long-term health outcomes. 

Practice Management

Managing a practice becomes more challenging with high no-show rates. Efficiency and productivity drop, straining resources and staff morale. The practice's reputation can suffer as well, eroding patient trust and satisfaction.

How Automated Reminder Systems Work

Setting up and customizing automated reminders is easy and flexible. With Doctible, you can tailor reminders to fit your practice's unique needs. Features like Two-Way Texting and Confirmation Alerts let you personalize reminders, addressing patients by name and including specific details about their appointments. 

Setting up and customizing automated reminders is straightforward, allowing you to tailor the messages to fit your practice's unique needs. With just a few clicks, you can schedule personalized reminders at multiple intervals. 

For example, you can schedule reminders for 30 days, 7 days, and 1 day before the appointment, with a final reminder an hour before. This level of customization makes sure patients are reminded at the right times, in their preferred format. 

Empower your office manager with 131 hours saved using Doctible
Save 131 hours each month using Doctible

Benefits of Automated Reminder Systems

Adding automated reminders to your practice makes things run smoother and strengthens the bond between you and your patients. It's a win-win for everyone.

Here’s how.

Reduce No-Shows and Improve Patient Adherence

Automated reminders are great for cutting down on no-shows and making sure patients stick to their care routines. By sending timely reminders through text, email, or voice messages, patients are less likely to forget or miss their appointments. 

Research shows that SMS reminders can significantly improve appointment attendance and medication adherence as well as help to promote healthy behaviors. 

Increase Healthcare Practice Efficiency

Automated reminders increase the ability to care for more patients by reducing no-shows and freeing up staff resources. With Doctible, practices save an average of 74 hours each month thanks to automated reminders alone. Automating confirmations further reduces phone time for your team, letting them focus more on patient care. 

Improve Patient Retention with Automated Recalls

Doctible also allows the automation of recall notices urging patients to schedule follow-up appointments, a great way to improve patient retention.

Increased Patient Satisfaction

Patients appreciate the convenience of getting reminders in their preferred format, whether it's text, email, or voice message. This personalized touch makes them feel valued and more engaged with their healthcare. 

Better communication supports reputation management and ultimately leads to a high level of patient satisfaction.

ROI using automated recall from Doctible
Increase patient retention and revenue with Doctible

Automated Patient Reminder Systems in Action

Doctible has already helped to transform practices just like yours. Practices using Doctible report increased efficiency and patient loyalty, translating to higher revenue.

For instance, Summerville Spine and Disc, a chiropractic practice in South Carolina, started using Doctible’s Patient Communication Platform in July 2019. They wanted an easier way to handle patient interactions and appointments. Now, they save 20 hours a week by texting patients instead of calling them. 

Office manager Amber Wheeler loves how Doctible keeps her organized with alerts on her phone and watch. She used to spend hours calling patients, but now, it’s just a quick text if they miss an appointment. 

“Doctible has been a blessing.” - Amber Wheeler, Office Manager

How to Implement Automated Reminder Systems in Your Practice

Implementing automated reminder systems in your practice is a simple and effective way to reduce no-shows and improve patient engagement. 

Here’s how to get started.

Choose the Right Automated Reminder System 

Choosing the right patient reminder software starts with reviewing and prioritizing your practice’s needs. Consider the features most important to your practice.

Most practices look for features like:

  • HIPAA-compliance 
  • Options for SMS, email, and voice reminders
  • Personalized or customized messaging
  • Seamless calendar integration
  • Support services
  • User-friendly interfaces

Doctible’s patient communication solutions offer all this and more. 

Integrate with Your Existing Practice Management Software 

Make sure the reminder system integrates smoothly with your existing practice management software. Doctible’s solutions are designed for compatibility with most popular EHR and EMR systems, making the transition effortless. Our customer success team provides comprehensive support to help you through the integration process.

Customize Reminders to Suit Your Patient Population 

Finally, customize your reminders to match the preferences of your patients. Doctible makes it easy to customize:

  • Appointment details. Include specific appointment details and preparation instructions for a smoother visit.
  • Contact method. Send reminders through text, email, or phone call, whichever suits your patients best.
  • Timing. Adjust the timing and frequency of reminders to match your patients' preferences, ensuring they stay informed without feeling overwhelmed
Automate with Doctible, Save 5 Days a Month with time-saving automation

Tackle No-Shows with Doctible

Don’t let no-shows disrupt your practice. Take control with Doctible’s automated reminder systems. From personalized SMS, email, and voice reminders to seamless integration with your practice management software, Doctible helps cut down on no-shows, boost patient satisfaction, and streamline your operations. 

Read to tackle no-shows? Schedule your demo today and see how Doctible can transform your practice. 


Boone, C. E., Celhay, P., Gertler, P., Gracner, T., & Rodriguez, J. (2022). How scheduling systems with automated appointment reminders improve health clinic efficiency. Journal of Health Economics, 82, Article 102598. 

Dantas, L. F., Fleck, J. L., Cyrino Oliveira, F. L., & Hamacher, S. (2018). No-shows in appointment scheduling - A systematic literature review. Health Policy, 122(4), 412-421. 

Kheirkhah, P., Feng, Q., Travis, L. M., Tavakoli-Tabasi, S., & Sharafkhaneh, A. (2016). Prevalence, predictors and economic consequences of no-shows. BMC Health Services Research, 16, 13. 

McQueenie, R., Ellis, D. A., McConnachie, A., Wilson, P., & Williamson, A. E. (2019). Morbidity, mortality and missed appointments in healthcare: A national retrospective data linkage study. BMC Medicine, 17(2). 

Schwebel, F. J., & Larimer, M. E. (2018). Using text message reminders in health care services: A narrative literature review. Internet Interventions, 13, 82-104. 

July 22, 2024

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